The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Planning Department, the Anchorage Community Development Authority (ACDA) and their consultant (Stantec) are working to identify a vision and action plan to support urban revitalization in the six-block Focus Area defined along D Street between 6th Avenue and 9th Avenue in Downtown Anchorage. The MOA, ACDA, and Stantec will be hosting a pop-up public engagement event on the evening of March 3, 2023 at the Anchorage Museum as part of the First Friday community activities – please stop by to provide your feedback on some preliminary ideas and your aspirations for the City’s future. This effort builds off the recently adopted “Our Downtown – Anchorage Downtown District Plan”.
The D Street AWP project is focused on three main objectives:
1. Identify Property and Area Conditions: Examine existing conditions area conditions (e.g., site utilization, vacancy status, building condition, current/past property use, environmental conditions, and building age).
2. Prioritize Redevelopment/Catalyst Sites: Apply a scoring criteria to determine which properties are more conducive for near-term redevelopment (within 5-10 years). Define the potential redevelopment program for the designated catalyst sites in terms of future land uses, building location/configuration, and size.
3. Revitalization Strategies: Define a series of strategies to better position the Focus Area for redevelopment through potential streetscape/transportation enhancements, open space/amenities, marketing and branding techniques, utility upgrades (as applicable), and community events.
Event Details: Anchorage Museum, First Friday (free event), March 3rd from 5-8am
Format: Interactive engagement materials and conversations with the project facilitators. Your participation is estimated to be 3 to 5 minutes (we can speak to you longer based on your level of interest). No formal presentation will be given.
Project Website: Please visit the project website to learn more about the current and past Downtown-related planning endeavors.